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CeCe, when you walk into a room, you light it up. You're funny, and beautiful and that's a cool combination. I'm really happy we're friends.

Deuce to CeCe in Funk It Up

DeCe (De/uce and Ce/Ce) is the romantic/friendly pairing of Deuce Martinez and CeCe Jones. Another name for the pairing is Ceuce (CeCe and De/uce). Even though CeCe is constantly making fun of Deuce In a funny/joking way, they are still very good friends. It is hinted in some episodes that CeCe has a somewhat crush on Deuce. Like in Match It Up, after Deuce "rejected" her, she kept wondering why, and In Funk It Up, Deuce telling CeCe that when she walks into a room, she lights it up and shes funny and beautiful. This ship is one of the most loved ships of Shake It Up, and supported by most of the Runther, Tynka and Deucina shippers, and multi shipped by most of the GeCe shippers.

They are portrayed by Bella Thorne and Adam Irigoyen.

Pairing Names

Ceuce - (Ce/Ce + De/uce)

DeCe - (De/uce + Ce/Ce) (Most popular)

Cece jones and deuce martinez dece chance 00

DeuCe- (Deu/ce + Ce/Ce


  • Both are a little slow at times.
  • Both are in the same grade.
  • Both tease each other.
    Adam irigoyen bella thorne rock finale
  • Both are very good friends with each other.
  • Both are claustrophobic (Party It Up, Doctor It Up)
  • Both have nicknames (Deuce - Martin CeCe - Cecelia)
  • Usually are matching in some scenes. (Model It Up, Match It Up)
  • Both are very good friends to Rocky and Ty.
  • Both think Gunther and Tinka are weird/freaky.
  • Both are long-time friends.
  • Look directly at each other sometimes.
  • About the same height.
  • Both seem to wear red (The DeCe color) alot.
  • Both wear accessories. (CeCe: Necklaces & Bracelets) (Deuce: Headphones)
  • Both attend the same school.
  • Deuce and CeCe both love and care about their friends a lot and also help them out.
  • Both like making jokes. (Egg It Up) (Doctor It Up)
  • Both CeCe and Deuce take basic classes at school.
  • They are in the same basic class.
  • They are both bad at telling jokes


Season 1

Start It Up

  • Deuce gives the Shake It Up! Chicago flyer to CeCe.
  • He was nodding when she read it.
  • When CeCe was dancing on T.V. he was the first to notice.
  • CeCe (along with Rocky) was wearing the watch that Deuce sold her, even though hers only had the hour hand and it is impossible to tell time with without Rocky or another clock nearby.
  • Deuce and CeCe kept making eye contact.
  • Deuce was looking at CeCe more than Rocky.
  • When Deuce came to say hi to CeCe and Rocky, he said CeCe's name first.
  • When Deuce said "What's up" to CeCe (And Rocky) CeCe walked closer to Deuce smiling, and said "Hi Deuce"
  • When Deuce showed CeCe (And Rocky) the lady Gaga tickets, he was looking at just CeCe.
  • He offered to sell Lady Gaga tickets to CeCe (And Rocky)
  • When Deuce showed CeCe (And Rocky) all of his watches, he could have been trying to impress CeCe.
  • CeCe seemed so excited and happy about the Shake It Up Chicago flyer, which Deuce gave to her.
  • Deuce asked CeCe (And Rocky) What time it was.

Meatball It Up

  • When CeCe finally explains what happened to their debit cards, she keeps on glancing at Deuce.
  • When CeCe is showing her debit card to Deuce, she leans in close to him.
  • CeCe smiles sweetly at Deuce while talking about who's babysitting Flynn.
  • CeCe knows Deuce's favorite restaurant.
  • When everyone was eating, it looks CeCe was staring at Deuce.
  • Deuce calls CeCe (along with Rocky) "the most generous girls we know".
  • Deuce is willing to pay for the meal because he knows CeCe (and Rocky) can't.
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  • Deuce called CeCe (And Rocky) "Bag ladies"
  • When CeCe walk walking towards Deuce with her Debit card, he was staring at her.
  • When CeCe showed her debit card to Deuce, he looked nervous because they were close.
  • CeCe could have showed her debit card to Ty, but instead she showed hers to Deuce.
  • When CeCe was showing her debit card to Deuce, her hand was on his shoulder.
  • When CeCe showed her debit card to Deuce, she looked up at him for a couple seconds, and it looks like she wanted to see his reaction.
  • When Rocky stood up after showing her card to Ty, CeCe was still right next to Deuce.
  • Deuce (And Ty) thought CeCe (And Rocky) bought them something.
  • When CeCe asked why she should buy things for Deuce and Ty, Deuce said that if he was lucky enough to have some extra cash, he would spend some on his friends. Meaning he called CeCe his friend.
  • Deuce looked hurt when CeCe told him and Ty that they didn't buy anything for them.
  • CeCe wanted to try cheering up Deuce (And Ty) by taking them out to their favorite restaurant.
  • When CeCe was telling Deuce (And Ty) about the lunch they were going to take them to, Deuce was smilling.
  • Deuce apologized to CeCe (And Rocky) about calling them cheap selfish jerks.
  • CeCe looked offended when she heard Deuce say he called them cheap selfish jerks.
  • Deuce and CeCe were sitting across from eachother at the olive pit.
  • Deuce asked CeCe who she hired to babysit Flynn.
  • Deuce (And Ty) joined CeCe (And Rocky) when they were chanting "Debit cards"
  • Deuce was looking at CeCe when he was laughing about shouting "Debit cards"
  • When Deuce and Ty were ordering food, CeCe was looking at Deuce when she was standing next to Rocky.

Give It Up

  • Deuce pinches CeCe instead of Rocky to wake her up, even though he can pinch Rocky easily because he is standing beside her.
  • When Deuce came up to them, CeCe looked happy.
  • Deuce smiles at CeCe when he shows her and Rocky his cousins designs for clothes.
  • After CeCe said Rocky and her loved the designs Deuce gave them to her.
  • CeCe was the first to agree to wear Deuce's cousins desgins.
  • CeCe called Deuce, "The best," and thanked him, but Rocky was still suspicious. This shows that CeCe trusts Deuce more than Rocky does.
  • Deuce turned on CeCe's outfit only, not Rocky's.
  • When Deuce walked up to CeCe (And Rocky) CeCe was the first to say hi to him.
  • Deuce wanted CeCe (And Rockys) opinions on the clothes.
  • CeCe seemed impressed by the clothes Deuce gave her and Rocky.
  • CeCe didn't think it was a problem to advertise the clothes Deuce gave her on Shake It Up Chicago.
  • While Rocky was talking about how she thought it was a problem to promote somebody's business, Deuce was staring at CeCe dreamily for about 5 seconds.
  • Deuce was going to say CeCe (And Rocky) looked good, until he saw their bad makeup.
  • When CeCe saw herself in the mirror after Deuce said they looked bad, she looked shocked and embarrassed that Deuce saw her like that.
  • Deuce kept calling CeCe (And Rocky) ladies.
  • Deuce wanted CeCe (And Rocky) to keep dancing and try to win the marathon.

Add It Up

  • Deuce helps CeCe find a math tutor.
  • When CeCe saw Deuce in only his boxers and a white muscle shirt, CeCe asked,"Deuce, where are your clothes?", showing that she cares what happened to him.
  • Deuce also looks like he's showing off to her when he says he won thumb-wrestling against Gunther.
  • Deuce was trying to say good things about the math tutor so CeCe would be more interested.

Kick It Up

  • CeCe listened to Deuce when he points out that CeCe and Rocky are too joined together like Gunther and Tinka. This shows that she cares about what Deuce thinks of her.
  • After his date dumps him, Deuce sits next to CeCe instead of his original seat.
  • CeCe and Deuce are somewhat matching at the movie theaters.
  • CeCe keeps staring at him after he got the popcorn bucket on his head.
  • CeCe notices his breakouts.
  • CeCe seems happy when he sits next to her at his second date.
  • CeCe wears a red belt to karate class, the DeCe color.
  • When Deuce was talking to CeCe and Rocky, he was mostly looking at CeCe.
  • Deuce was wondering why CeCe was at the movies.
  • When Deuce put his arm around his movie date, CeCe look kind of uncomfortable and upset or jealous.
  • Deuce probably did not want CeCe to see him cry, so he kept the bucket over his head.
  • When Deuce saw CeCe (And Rocky) sitting on the school bench, he was looking at CeCe while walking up to them.
  • Deuce stood next to CeCe while CeCe and Rocky were sitting on the school bench.
  • Deuce wanted to help CeCe (And Rocky) by not getting Gunther and Tinka freaky.
  • When CeCe noticed his breakouts, he believed her and started trying to feel them.

Party It Up

  • CeCe took a picture of Deuce (along with Ty) riding on a high jack golf cart.
  • She said she'll show Deuce's parents (and Ty's) the picture if they don't babysit Flynn.
  • Deuce (and Ty) agrees to babysit Flynn for CeCe.
  • When CeCe said, "I can't believe I'm being blackmailed by my own brother!", he said,"Well, you didn't seem bothered by the concept of doing it to us!"
  • Deuce called CeCe (And Rocky) ladies.
  • Deuce seemed like he was trying to impress CeCe (And Rocky) with his high jack golf cart.
  • Deuce said the high jack golf cart was a chick magnet, and he smiled at CeCe. Maybe he thought CeCe would be interested in it.
  • CeCe rolled her eyes and smiled after Deuce said the high jack golf cart was a chick magnet.
  • CeCe asked Deuce (And Ty) If they could babysit Flynn.
  • Deuce seemed to try to act cool around CeCe (And Rocky)
  • CeCe really didn't tell her mom about Deuce (And Ty) riding the high jack golf cart.
  • CeCe smiled when Deuce (And Ty) agreed to babysit Flynn.
  • CeCe stared at Deuce while him and Ty ran away after they crashed in the golf cart.
  • CeCe told Flynn that it would be better to have buddies (Deuce and Ty) probably hinting that she wouldn't mind hanging out with them herself.
  • Deuce was sitting on the couch eating popcorn while watching CeCe (And Rocky) talk to Flynn.
  • Deuce (And Ty) refused to tell CeCe's mom about where CeCe (And Rocky) were because they didn't want them to get in trouble, or tell their parents about the picture of them on the golf cart.
  • Deuce drank tons of water just to keep his mouth shut so he wont confess to CeCe's mom to keep it a secret, despite having to pee really bad.
  • Deuce said "Silence Is our best and only defense" so he would remind Ty and Flynn to keep quiet about CeCe (And Rocky) sneaking out.
  • CeCe's mom was impressed by Deuce and thought he was strong.

Hook It Up

  • CeCe punched Deuce in the stomach.
  • Deuce started to tape CeCe (and Rocky) for his school project.
    Cece and deuce shake it up school
  • He warns CeCe when he shows them the manager talking to Gary about firing two people.
  • When he's listing off things not to do to the "messenger", he points at CeCe and says, "And no poking with a sharp stick", knowing her acts already.
  • Deuce joined CeCe (And Rocky and Ty) In the beginning of the episode by drumming.
  • After CeCe started counting for everone to start playing again after what Flynn said, Deuce, Ty, and Rocky listened to CeCe and continued making music.
  • Deuce was wearing red (The DeCe color) In this episode.
  • Deuce called CeCe (And Rocky) stars.
  • Deuce said that if CeCe and Rocky were lame, he would need to go to summer school. You would guess that by CeCe's grades, she would also be going to summer school.
  • When Deuce called CeCe (And Rocky) young loosers that were pathetic, CeCe looked offended.
  • When CeCe (And Rocky) were talking to Gary, Deuce was recording them.
  • When Deuce heard Gary say he was going to fire somebody, Deuce was nervous for CeCe (And Rocky)
  • Deuce showed CeCe (And Rocky) the video of Gary saying he would fire someone.
  • After Deuce showed CeCe (And Rocky) the video, he said "I'm really sorry. I thought you should know." and he was looking at CeCe saying it.
  • When CeCe (And Rocky) were dancing on Shake it Up Chicago, she shouted "Now Deuce!" to cue Deuce for something.
  • Deuce tried helping CeCe (And Rocky) to not get fired.

Wild It Up

  • When CeCe says "I don't know. I think he's kind of cute in a bad boy sort of way." Deuce comes up to her and replies "Yeah, I get that a lot." thinking that CeCe was talking about him.
  • While Deuce is showing the school blog to the girls, CeCe stands up and gets really close to him, although this could be that she just needed to read the computer.
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  • When CeCe says, "I swear if all of the capitaliztion and puncutation wasn't all correct, I could of sworn I wrote it myself", Deuce smiled and nodded at her.
  • Deuce says Rocky is "boring compared to CeCe".
  • When Deuce told CeCe (And Rocky) about them being on the school news about Shake It Up Chicago, he was looking at CeCe.
  • Deuce took CeCe's laptop and she didn't mind.
  • CeCe asked Deuce if they used the picture she submitted.
  • Deuce read what the school blog said about CeCe, and it looked like he agreed.
  • Deuce said the guy called it like it was (The person who made the blog) when he was talking about CeCe, meaning he agreed with everything the blog said about her.
  • When Deuce saw CeCe look angry at him for calling Rocky boring, he said he would go be more colorful somewhere else.
  • When Deuce left, CeCe grabbed her lunch bag and it looked like she was trying to catch up to him until Rocky started talking.
  • When Deuce hugged Rocky, CeCe looked jealous.
  • When Deuce ran in the vice princibles office, CeCe quickly turned around.
  • When Deuce had no idea what happened in the office, CeCe did a facepalm.

Match It Up

Match It Up 47

"Hey, Deuce!"

  • Deuce thinks CeCe wants to be more than friends with him in this episode, only because CeCe began to bring up the way he doesn't go with Savannah.
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  • Near the beginning of the episode, CeCe says "Hey Deuce" multiple times, but the last time she yells in his ear for his full attention.
  • CeCe smiles sweetly and flirtatiously at him after yelling in his ear.
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  • While CeCe is working at her new match-making service, she puts several girls at the top of the list to date Deuce, even a girl who hates him. When she finally finds a perfect girl for him, she says that they'll never work, perhaps hinting jealousy.
  • Deuce thinks him and CeCe have a lot in common. ("Someone you already know and someone who you have lots in common with!")
  • When Deuce realizes (wrongly, of course--maybe ;D) that CeCe is the one who they are trying to set up with, instead of saying, "CeCe, you like me," he said, "CeCe, you totally dig me," indicating that he wanted her to "dig him". Just the way he said it; he had a small hopeful tone in his voice.
  • When Deuce is telling CeCe that he only likes her as a friend, they seem to be standing a little close to each other, although it might have just been that Deuce wanted CeCe to understand clearly. It may have been that he was actually telling himself that than CeCe because he looked confused.
  • As a friendly gesture, Deuce punches CeCe's arm and calls her "amiga". (Friend)
  • Deuce knew CeCe wouldn't know what "amiga" meant.
  • CeCe looks disappointed when Deuce says that they are just friends.
  • When Deuce is telling CeCe they're just friends, she didn't look mad or disgusted that he thinks she likes him. She acted more like when Rocky found out she was dyslexic, like her biggest secret had been revealed.
  • After Deuce "rejected" CeCe, she starts to wonder why he doesn't like her more than a friend, meaning she cares about what Deuce thinks of her, but this may be her ego talking.
  • When Deuce leaves Savannah to go inside the plastic ball and she turns to look at CeCe and Rocky, CeCe is flat-out glaring at her right before she changes into a fake friendly smile, while Rocky is already somewhat smiling.
  • When CeCe and Rocky fake smiles at Savannah, she is kinda glaring at them, but it is more directed toward CeCe, as if she's saying, "Stay away from Deuce," but then she changes into a fake smile.
  • When CeCe and Rocky were telling Savannah about Stevie Fishbourne, CeCe says in a monotone voice: "I wonder what he's (Stevie Fishbourne) doing here,", but when Savannah hears Stevie is a billionaire and she says he's really cute, CeCe steps in front of her as shes about to leave and says, "But what about Deuce?" in the most sincere and caring voice.
  • When Savannah is going over to talk to "Stevie Fishbourne" CeCe stops her and asked her about Deuce, while Rocky was just going to let Savannah walk past to "Stevie".
  • Some fans have pointed out that Deuce loved Savannah at the time, and he may not have rejected CeCe had he not been dating Savannah.
  • CeCe chose a second choice for Savannah, maybe hoping it would end.
  • CeCe is upset that Savannah would date Deuce for only his money, possibly hinting she would date Deuce regardless of money or not.
  • CeCe tries especially hard, possibly harder than Rocky, to end Deuce and Savannah's relationship.
  • CeCe sets Deuce up with a date, maybe meaning she wants what will make him happy, not what will make her happy. She seems relieved and happy that Savannah is leaving Deuce.

Model It Up

  • Deuce puts his arm around CeCe when they had their group hug.

    Deuce smirking at CeCe

  • They stand next to each other when Rocky comes out the front of building.
  • In one scene, they are both wearing plaid, so it looks like they are a matching couple.
  • They are smiling together when Rocky arrives at her locker.
  • CeCe and Deuce go the same way, probably indicating that they have a class together
  • Deuce is always as CeCe's house, although it could just be that Deuce and Flynn are friends.
  • Deuce thought CeCe would have a plan to stop Rocky from leaving.
  • When CeCe was explaining why she wasn't trying to stop Rocky, Deuce was nodding in agreement.
  • CeCe said she notices Deuce's eyebrows.
  • Deuce seemed shocked and nervous when CeCe found out about his eyebrows.
  • Deuce looked offended when CeCe talked about his eyebrows and how it is very noticable.
  • Deuce and CeCe stood very close to eachother in school when they saw Rocky at her locker.
  • Their arms were touching.
  • Deuce, CeCe (And Ty) all said "Of course your going" to Rocky at the same time.
  • When CeCe leaves her apartment to go outside, she walks to Deuce.
  • CeCe looked scared when Deuce told Rocky that CeCe made them pretend they didn't care.

Twist It Up

  • CeCe said that watching Deuce and Dina flirt makes her throw up, hinting jealousy.
  • Deuce knew that he could count on Rocky and CeCe to be there for Dina when she talks to her mom.
  • When Deuce walked away after telling Dina that CeCe and Rocky would be there for Dina, it shows CeCe checking him out and nodding.
  • When CeCe, Deuce, Rocky and Dina were sitting on the school bench, Deuce was smirking at CeCe.
  • When Deuce and Dina were being all mushy together, you can see CeCe in the background mimicking them silently and looking jealous with an upset/mad face.
  • CeCe told Deuce and Dina to stop holding hands, doing baby talk, and hugging, hinting that she wouldn't want to see Deuce hugging someone else but her.
  • CeCe said to Deuce "She does know your name isn't... Eughh... Right?"
  • When CeCe scooted herself on the bench, that almost made Deuce fall off on the other end.
  • CeCe fell off the bench, then got up and was smiling at Deuce and it looked like she was trying to play it off cooly.
  • CeCe (And everyone) shouted "DEUCE"
  • When Deuce was doing the tango with Dinas mom, you can see CeCe in the background looking impressed and smiling.

Break It Up

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  • Deuce mutes CeCe, but this is mainly because CeCe was babbling about how bad Rocky looked.
  • CeCe shows concern about Deuce and his phone.
  • When It asks who would Deuce kiss, CeCe looks interested in what he's about to say and disappointed when he revealed that it would be Tinka, then Deuce laughed, so he may have been joking or letting out nervous steam.
  • CeCe agrees to having Ty and Deuce drag her out of the hospital room if she got out of hand.
  • When Deuce are dragging CeCe out of the ward, she lays her head on his chest.
  • When Deuce fell off the tree, he instantly thought CeCe was asking if he was okay, and he said yes, even though he had fallen from who knows how high up.He must have been pretty beat up, but he still tried to reassure her that he was fine.
  • Deuce knows CeCe's mom well enough that she takes him along with them on a camping trip.
  • CeCe probably was the one to invite Deuce on the camping trip.
  • When Deuce, CeCe, Rocky, and Ty were all eating pizza, Deuce was sitting across from CeCe.
  • Deuce shoutout when he got out of the cabin that he didn't even see a TV. Later on when they were all eating outside, CeCe said "Do you guys wanna sit by the fire and pretend its telivison" and Deuce and everyone else agreed to do it.
  • When CeCe asked everyone if they wanna sit by the fire and pretend its TV, she was looking at Deuce.
  • When Ty asked Deuce who he would kiss, CeCe looked very interested and excited to find out the answer probably hoping its her.
  • When Deuce told Ty to switch clothes with Gunther, CeCe laughed.
  • CeCe, Deuce (And Tinka) were chanting for Rocky to take a dare.
  • CeCe talked about how you cant dance with two left feet, which is what Deuce has.
  • When Ty tells CeCe that Deuce has two left feet, he looks mad and embarrassed.
  • Deuce linked arms with CeCe to drag her out of the hospital room.
  • Deuce went up to Rocky and pretended he was milking a cow. That would be an act that CeCe would do since they are both alike.
  • When Deuce's nose got hurt, he turned around and walked to CeCe.
  • Deuce and CeCe's clothes look like they kind of matched.
  • When Deuce covered CeCe's mouth, CeCe didn't try getting him off.
  • CeCe turned around and looked at Deuce saying that they can take her back in the hall now.

Season 2

Three's A Crowd It Up

  • CeCe thought Julio, a Latin Dancer, was cute, and since he looks a bit like Deuce, it might imply that she thinks Deuce is cute.
  • CeCe probably likes Latin boys, and Deuce is part Cuban.

Shake It Up, Up & Away

  • When they are all at the pizza place, Deuce is sitting next to CeCe.
  • When Deuce's Uncle Frank told them all that Deuce had bad back acne, CeCe looked away, but then greeted his uncle with a unusual kindness for CeCe.
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  • When Deuce's uncle Frank was talking about the opening of Crusty's, CeCe clapped which is an unusual act for her to do. She might have just done it because It was Deuce's uncle.
  • CeCe didn't make fun of Deuce's back acne. Although If it was Gunther or Tinka, she probably would have.
  • Deuce looked embarassed when uncle Frank mentioned his back acne, and changed the subject maybe because he didn't want CeCe to hear it.

Doctor It Up

  • Deuce mentions he is afraid of small spaces, and in the the Season 1 episode Party it Up, CeCe mentions that she doesn't do well in small spaces.

Review It Up

  • When Dina tells Rocky and CeCe that she thinks Deuce and her broke up, you see CeCe smile, then quickly change to a frown.
  • CeCe doesn't seem very concerned for Dina that she and Deuce broke up; instead, she shrugs and says, "What do we know?" meaning she might have given Dina bad advice on purpose.
  • When Dina was telling Rocky and CeCe about what she was going to do for her and Deuce's anniversary, CeCe told Dina to slow down. Meaning she knows Deuce wouldn't want to make a big deal of an anniversary.

Auction It Up

  • CeCe gives Deuce a signal to start the bidding.
  • When Deuce kept bidding higher and higher to get to hang out with Rocky and CeCe, CeCe looked happy. Possibly because she wanted to hang out with Deuce.
  • CeCe chose Deuce to start the bidding, when she easily could have asked Ty.
    Cece jones deuce martinez school dance4

Copy Kat It Up

  • When CeCe acts like her napkin fell, she set it down on the ground and said in a monotone voice, "Oh look. A random breeze has blown my napkin on the floor. I will casually pick it up now." This suggests she is not good at acting. This is expressed again in Match It Up, where CeCe says in a monotone, "You're right. What is he doing here?" (While acting). Yet when Savannah was leaving to go flirt with Stevie Fishbourne (Ty), CeCe steps up to her and asks, "What about Deuce?" in a caring voice, suggesting she was worried about Deuce getting his feelings hurt and cared about his feelings, even though she had set him up with Savannah and was breaking them up.

Judge It Up

  • CeCe asks where Deuce was, implying that she cares about him.
  • When Deuce rolled a clip of him dancing with a broom, he could have been pretending it was CeCe.
  • When Deuce accidently showed everyone that clip of him with the broom, he looked over at CeCe nervously like he didn't want her to see it.

Protest It Up

  • When she said "costumes are super cute", she was seen looking at Deuce with a flirty look.
  • Deuce tries to ensure CeCe that she wears "uniforms" all the time
  • Deuce doesn't make fun of CeCe's uniform.
  • CeCe looked upset when Deuce didn't agree with her.

Surprise It Up

  • Deuce goes to bring CeCe down to her party.
  • Deuce looks really worried when he couldn't find CeCe anywhere.
  • Deuce brings the cake toward CeCe.
  • CeCe didn't seem happy and was disgusted when she found out Rocky kissed Deuce. She also fake barfed.
  • Deuce said he tried calling CeCe's phone, meaning she gave him her number.
  • Deuce was helping for CeCe's birthday party, showing he cares for her and wants her to be happy and surprised.
  • Deuce was holding the cake for CeCe, so it could mean he bought it for her.

Made In Japan

  • CeCe and Deuce were talking to each other through video chat after CeCe and Rocky got into a fight.
  • Deuce video chatted CeCe first.
  • In the end credits, Deuce stuttered CeCe's name, calling her to come back. He also says CeCe's name before Rocky's.
  • When video chatting, Deuce said CeCe's name first before Rocky to try to make CeCe feel better.
  • Deuce went to support CeCe (and Rocky) at the elimination.
  • Deuce said to Ty "I can't believe Rocky and CeCe might get to go to Japan. I wanna go!" Possibly to be with CeCe.
  • When Deuce told CeCe "I mean COME ON. Your CECE and Rocky" he sounded like he was telling the truth. Not just to make her feel better.
  • Deuce wanted CeCe to feel better by saying her name first when video chatting.
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Season 3

Funk It Up

  • Deuce called CeCe beautiful and funny.
  • He told her she lights up a room when she walks in.
  • Red and Plaid (The DeCe Color and Pattern) were worn a lot in this episode.
  • Deuce drew a moustache on Ty when he was asleep - something CeCe would do.
  • Deuce said to CeCe; "Cece, when you walk into a room, you light up. You're beautiful and funny.. And that's a really cool combination!"
  • When Deuce said all that to her, they both had dumb looks on their faces, and CeCe was smiling and looking up at him.
  • Deuce wanted to help cheer CeCe up, and it worked.
  • Deuce's speech to CeCe was the sweetest one out of him, Ty, and Flynn's speech.
  • When Ty was doing his speech to CeCe, Deuce was nodding and smiling in agreement.
  • Deuce went to stand behind CeCe, and he was looking down at her with a sweet look on his face.
  • Deuce is really glad him and CeCe are friends.

Spirit It Up

  • CeCe invited Deuce over, implying she likes his company, but he ruined it by bringing Dina along.
  • When everyone was going to help Rocky stop dancing, Deuce ran over next to CeCe when he could have ran next to Tinka or Dina.
  • Deuce corrected what CeCe said.
  • It looked like Deuce expected that CeCe was going to say the word wrong.

Home Alone It Up

  • When CeCe and Rocky go to Crusty's in search for Flynn, CeCe goes to Deuce to ask him if he had seen her little brother.
  • Their hands are touching.

Switch It Up

  • When Deuce went over to CeCe and Flynn's table, he said "Hey CeCe!", in a tone that suggests he was happy to see her.
  • When CeCe was answering Deuce in Flynn's body, she was smiling and sounding nice to him.
  • When "CeCe" was acting strange, Deuce asked her if she was feeling alright, showing he cares.
  • "CeCe" made a joke about school lunch, and Deuce thought It was very funny.
  • Deuce liked CeCe's new personality.
  • Deuce and CeCe were standing close to each other.
  • CeCe was just dreaming, but in her dream, she became closer to Deuce.
  • "CeCe" was wearing a red cap which is the DeCe color.

Psych It Up

  • While waiting for the love of her life, CeCe was wearing a red coat, which is the DeCe color.
  • The owner of the dog, Munroe, was wearing red.
  • Munroe sort of looks like Deuce. and she liked him.
  • CeCe has a red couch in her home.

Remember Me

  • Deuce is the first person that CeCe remembers.
  • CeCe hugs Deuce after she realizes that she remembers him.

DeCe Gallery

Dece gallery


Userboxes for DeCe may be viewed here.

DeCe Quotes

Hook It Up

Deuce: (to camera) Their climb to the lofty heights of stardom is mediocre. Imagine these two young losers: pathetic, shabby, unwatched nobodies one day, and local superstars the next. (points camera to CeCe) How does it feel?
CeCe: How does this feel? (punches Deuce's stomach)
Deuce: Ow!

Match It Up

Deuce: But, Savannah and I are happy together.
CeCe: Trust me, Deuce, she's not the right girl. But I know some who'd be perfect for you! Someone you aleady know, someone you have lots in common with!

Deuce: Oh, I get it now.
CeCe: Oh good! I was hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out for you.
Deuce: I can't believe it. CeCe, you totally dig me.
CeCe: (surprised) I what?!
Rocky: She what?!
CeCe: I what?!
Deuce: Look, there's no easy way to say this, I"m just not into you that way, I mean we're friends, but just friends.
CeCe: Oh, no no, Deuce--

Deuce: I'm sorry, but that's the way it has to be. I'll see you later, amiga. (punches CeCe's arm playfully) And FYI, that means "friend".

Rocky: CeCe, will you focus? I'm telling you, that plan is gonna wok. The only way to get rid of a gold digger is to introduce her to someone with more gold.
CeCe: What is it that is turning Deuce off? I bet it's my red hair. Do you think it makes me look too smart?
Rocky: Um, I don't think anyone thinks that...

Savannah: Internet billionaire?! Ooh, he suddenly really cute!
CeCe: (with full sympathy) But what about Deuce?
Savannah: Let me know if he grabs a billion dollars out of that ball.

Deuce: So she was only with me because she thought I was gonna win money? Man, that'd be painful even if air wasn't running out in here.
CeCe: You know what? She wasn't the right girl for you, but we'll find you a new one.
Deuce: Do me a favor? Stay out of my love life.

Rocky: She is so good.
CeCe: Yeah. No wonder Deuce likes her better than me. I like her better than me.

Protest It Up

Deuce: Alright, lighten up. Alright, it's not that big of a deal. I'm wearing a uniform right now. You guys wear a uniform all the time on Shake It Up Chicago!
CeCe: Those aren't uniforms, they're costumes.

Deuce: What's the difference?

CeCe: Costumes are super cute.

Tunnel It Up

CeCe: Let's celebrate! Hey Deuce, a round of mango strawberry smoothies!
Deuce: Uh, we're out of mangoes, strawberries, and smoothies.

Spirit It Up

CeCe: This is an intermission
Deuce: Intervention.
CeCe: That too.

Our DeCelebrities


  • DeCe Number: 9 (Deuce has 5 letters in his name and CeCe has 4. 5+4=9.)
    DeCe -5
  • DeCe Color: Red (CeCe thought the reason why Deuce didn't like her was because she was a redhead, They also they wear red in almost every episode).
  • DeCe Animal: Red Fox (because Cece's hair is red, and both are sly and cunning like a fox)
  • DeCe Day: January 23. (The day Match It Up premiered.)
  • DeCe Month: December (the first four letters of their couple name.)
  • DeCe Season: Winter (The DeCe month and day is within this season)
  • DeCe Food: Spaghetti (When eating spaghetti in Meatball It Up, they were seen looking directly at each other.)
  • DeCe BOSS: Flynn Jones (In Tunnel It Up, he kept inturrupting Deuce and Dina's dance. He is also CeCe's smaller brother. He onced asked Deuce if he "loved them." Also, the actor who portrays Flynn, Davis Cleveland, his initials are DC)
  • DeCe Fans' Official Name: DeCelebrities
  • DeCe Official Song: Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine (Deuce always has headphones and CeCe is all about music)
  • DeCe Official Pattern: Plaid (CeCe and Deuce wear a lot of plaid throughout the show, sometimes even together at the same time.)
  • DeCe Queen: @Ninjacupcake x
  • DeCe Writer: xXxInMyDreamsxXx
  • DeCe Fanart Boss: @Vampdiva18
  • DeCe Official Roleplayers (Dating): @YeahImDeuceand @DancingJones_on Twitter. (They were the only Deuce and CeCe who was officially dating on RPs.)
  • DeCe Accessory: Headphones (Deuce is usually seen wearing a pair of headphones around his neck. In Match It Up, CeCe lifts his headphones up to get his attention. Also, Deuce's headphones are plaid, the DeCe pattern.)

Orgin of Couple Name

The name "Dece" is a word shortened for of the word "decent" or "decently", but not necessarily with the same connotation.


  • If you take out the "U" in De[u]ce, it spells "DeCe", CeCe and Deuce's couple name
  • Deuce and CeCe are the two people who have worn the color red (DeCe color) the most out of all the characters in lots of episodes.
  • Many Shake It Up fans ship DeCe, even though they have not had a centric episode.
  • The DeCe Boss Is Flynn Jones, CeCe's brother.
  • DeCe Is one of the first ships to have had a moment In the first episode of Shake It Up, (Start It Up) along with Runther.
  • Deuce and CeCe are the two characters of the show that are clearly slow in some things.
  • Adam Irigoyen and Bella Thorne have aknowledged DeCe/Badam before on twitter.
  • Bella Thorne and Adam Irigoyen who play Deuce and CeCe have a close relationship off set.
  • Bella Thorne (CeCe) tweeted about Adam Irigoyen (Deuce) saying "a little fact...did u know that @adamirigoyen was the 1st cast member i personally hung out with? his mom used 2 cook us the best cuban food"
  • Many Shake It Up Role plays on twitter, tumblr, etc. ship DeCe.
  • It Is rumoured that Adam Irigoyen (Who plays Deuce) has a crush on Bella Thorne (Who plays CeCe)
  • DeCe has many original, creative, and supportive fans.
  • The fanbase for DeCe is called DeCelebrities.
  • Deuce and CeCe have many things in common, even little things such as being afraid of small spaces, etc.
  • Adam Irigoyen has posted lots of pictures of him and Bella together as throw back thursdays or flashback fridays.

DeCe Song List

These are songs that remind many shippers of



  1. All Day - Cody Simpson
  2. As Long As You Love Me - Justin Bieber
  3. Bad - The Cab
  4. Bad For Me - Megan & Liz
  5. Beating Hearts Baby - Head Automatica
  6. Beautiful Soul - Jesse McCartney
  7. Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
  8. Burnin' Up - Jonas Brothers
  9. Catch Me - Demi Lovato
  10. Clumsy - Fergie
  11. Crazy In Love ft. Jay-Z - Beyonce
  12. Fallin' For You - Colbie Caillat
  13. Favorite Girl - Justin Bieber
  14. Forever And Always - Parachute
  15. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
  16. Give Your Heart A Break - Demi Lovato
  17. Hate That I Love You - Rihanna
  18. Have To Say Goodbye - Jennette McCurdy
  19. Her Love Is My Religion - The Cab
  20. If I Lose Myself - OneRepublic
  21. Intoxicated - The Cab
  22. Just The Girl - The Click Five
  23. Let's Hear It For The Boy - The Stunners
  24. Lovebug - Jonas Brothers
  25. Love You Like A Love Song - Selena Gomez & The Scene
  26. Lucky ft. Colbie Calliat - Jason Mraz
  27. More Than This - One Direction
  28. One Thing - One Direction
  29. Positivity - Ashley Tisdale
  30. Right Where You Want Me - Jesse McCartney
  31. Save You Tonight - One Direction
  32. Say Somethin' - Austin Mahone
  33. Say OK - Vanessa Hudgens
  34. Say You're Just A Friend - Austin Mahone ft. Flo-Rida
  35. Scream - Usher
  36. She's Not Afraid - One Direction
  37. Somebody To Love - Justin Bieber
  38. So Much For You - Ashley Tisdale
  39. Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine
  40. Stereo Soldier - Little Mix
  41. Stuck In The Moment - Justin Bieber
  42. Take Care ft. Rihanna - Drake
  43. Uh Oh - Junior Doctor
  44. What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
  45. Whenever, Wherever - Shakira
  46. You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
  47. 365 Days - Victoria Justice ft. Leon Thomas III

Video Gallery

Cece and deuce video gallery shake it up

Fan Fiction

The list of Fan Fictions for DeCe may be viewed here.

External Pages

DeCe Polls

ve Shake It Up Pairings
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